Monday, 18 March 2013

Purity: without mixture

I thought I'd share one of the topic of discussions at my bible study group.

The following question was asked:

What do you think when you see the word purity?
Presented with the word 'see' we all began thinking visual representations and mentioned things like water, the colour white i even visualised a water filter.

But when asked what purity means to you? We seemed to have different responses. The other girls suggested it's a state of virginity but my arguement was it's more than that and indicated how purity is not just about abstaining from sex you have to avoid acts that result in contaminating the body so not just sex but alcohol, drugs and it goes further to even hateful words coming out of your mouth and hateful thoughts being impure.

The next question was about cultural myths about sexuality and purity we had been brought into.
At this point I questioned the word myth, was it suggesting they are all lies? No one really understood but we just went on to describe sort of guidelines given regarding sexuality and purity. One we were all familiar with was "no sex before marriage." We then went on to debate sexuality and I asked what view the girls had on homosexuality. Admittedly none of us seemed to have an issue with gays/lesbians. I told a story about a previous church I attended where they asked members of the church to sign a petition against gay marriage. None of us could firmly say we would have signed such. I think perhaps this is a topic that is walked over too often, swept under the carpet. The discussion ended because we simply did not know if not opposing against gay marriage was the wrong thing to do.

We  moved on to the next question which was what does with mixture/ without mixture mean to you? Someone suggested it might mean a mix in race. I thought about it some more but the response seemed a lot clearer to me and I said it means impure/pure. I used the visualisation of pouring high juice into pure water and it becoming a mixture hence impure.

The next question was : if un-purity is a state of mixture, how can we achieve a state of purity?
My thoughts were that no one can be totally without mixture because they either have impure thoughts or do not look after their body and add harmful things to their body whether it's fatty foods or alcohol but it contaminates the body to some extent and therefore no one can ever be 100 % pure. That's the way I see it anyway.
I tried to imagine a state of purity. Christians do what is known as water fasting which is 0% intake of calories and is a form of purifying practice both physically and spiritually. Water fasters consume the purest water available with nothing added to it.I thought back to my Muslim friends during Ramadan. During fasting hours, they must refrain from evil thoughts/actions, eating, drinking, smoking, sex and even music. They do not listen to those who swear or look at obscene or unlawful things. If anything these are the closest states to purity I can imagine. Realistically though they are done for a fixed period. It made me think how does God measure purity? Can anyone even call themselves pure? 

The session ended with this final message :

Genesis 3:6 : When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirablefor gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to herhusband, who was with her, and he ate it.Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed figleaves together and made coverings for themselves.
  We find that Gods original plan for humanity was corrupted & mankind was contaminated. Adam & Eve's purity had been compromised, they felt shame, we find man with mixture.

Lets imagine a sealed water bottle. The worth of the water is based on it's purity. If I were to give you the sealed bottle of water I am sure you wouldhave no problem drinking from it. If I opened the bottle & drank from it, added dirt, spit & old milk to it no one would want to drink from it because it is no longer pure. It's no longer consistent with it's label. In the same way our lives are not consistent with God's original plan because we have been compromised by impurities.

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